About Lacteeze
With the forward thinking vision of Bill and Dorian Kingsmill, Lacteeze Ltd was incorporated in 1984 to help the people suffering from Lactose intolerance.
Dorian had the vision and now she needed to manufacture product for the lactose intolerant population. She was determined to help lactose intolerant people feel better and have good nutrition. These people were not consuming dairy product and their diet was lacking in adequate levels of calcium that eventually resulted in osteoporosis.

Kingsmill Food, Dorian Kingsmill and Bill Kingsmill, Gelda Scientific, Dr. Sen Gelda and Arvind Gelda and Gaylea foods (a cooperative dairy owned by the farmers), formed an alliance to launch the first lactose-reduced milk in Canada. After 3 years of research and help from the University of Guelph and the National Research Council we were successful in launching the first “Lacteeze” Lactose Reduced Milk in Canada in 1987.
The Sick children’s Hospital of Toronto Canada tested Lacteeze in the hospital for a week and gave us their blessing.
Lacteeze was truly a cooperative effort that blossomed into a world wide success story. Research was undertaken in the manufacture of a most suitable lactase enzyme, packaging, levels of lactose conversion and how to manufacture a safe product for the consumer. We launch the first product with 80% lactose reduced but this was ok for only 70% of the lactose intolerant population. Dorian with her passion to help all the lactose intolerant population was not satisfied with helping only 70% of the people so we subsequently developed the product that was lactose free and this is the current product in the market. Lacteeze was the leader in Canada in this product category and many other have since followed our lead. This is a real tribute to team of Lacteeze Ltd.
Today, many people all over Canada and the world are enjoying Lacteeze products.
Lacteeze Dairy Products, Children’s Lacteeze tabelts, Lacteeze Extra Strength tablets,
Lacteeze Ultra tablets and Lacteeze drops for adults and infants.